About our company

We make sure products meet the strictest safety requirements. To this end, we bear in mind technology and functionality but also, we use nothing but the right materials to properly protect the people’s health and the environment.
Emerio, in association with Kema-Dekra, has designed a testing programme based on today’s needs. Our quality department is working closely together with Kema-Dekra and side by side, they perform meticulous quality checks before products are introduced to the market.
We feel strongly about supply chain working conditions. It is why we are a member of the BSCI platform for companies that take part in the Business Social Compliance Initiative. The purpose is to improve working conditions across the globe. Careful attention is dedicated to health, safety, child labour, discrimination and wages. For more information please go to www.bsci-intl.org/

97,5% of all product materials are granted a new purpose after the recycling process. Packages are made of 100% recyclable materials.

Emerio offers you an affordable and high-quality product.