
Despite the constant care and attention we devote to the composition of our website, it is still possible that the information published on this website is incomplete or incorrect. Errors in data cannot always be prevented.
Colour deviations may occur depending on the screen you are using.
Products are subject to technical changes.

The copyright in all text and images on this site belongs to Emerio or its licensors. You may view, download and print for your own reference only, and for circulation strictly within your own organization, but may not modify or make any further use of or copy to any other person, or make
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Emerio respects the privacy of all users and ensures that the personal
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our site some “visitor information” can be collected and stored, such as domain name and the host computer from which you visited the site, the IP address (Internet Protocol) from the computer you are using, the date and time you visited our site and the Internet address of the site that linked you to our website. This information is for statistical purposes only and are deleted after some time.
When visiting our Web site cookies can be stored. Cookies are small pieces of information that your browser will store on your computer. We use cookies to recognize you when you visit our website.
Emerio will only give your personal information to parties that are directly involved in the execution of your order. Your information will never be provided to third parties. Employees of Emerio are at all times required to treat your information confidential.
Cross-references (so called hyperlinks) on Emerio websites may connect to Internet sites run by other companies. Emerio cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for the content of such sites or their data security policies.